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Summer Family Vacation Safety Tips

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Many families are getting back in the swing of traveling this year. With more places opening up and the ability to travel further than we could last summer, it’s no wonder more people are looking forward to a family vacation.

If you’re planning a summer family vacation this year, then you’re going to want to read on to hear a few of our best safety tips for families! We’re going to share some ways you can stay safe and healthy during your travels and summer vacations this year.

Summer Family Vacation Safety Tips

Whether you’re traveling with younger kids or teenagers, we’re confident these summer family vacation safety tips will surely help you enjoy the vacation with little to no mishaps.

Keep Your Eyes Out

Remember that drowning is silent. This is one of the biggest dangers of going on summer vacation with kids who haven’t been taught swimming safety yet. Remember that it only takes a brief second for a kid or adult to drown.

Be sure to have one person, such as a responsible adult, that has their eyes on the pool or ocean at all times when the kids are swimming. If you need to take a bathroom break, call the kids out of the water unless you have a second adult to watch them while you go to the bathroom.

Set Rules and Consequences

Just like at home, you’ll want to have some rules and consequences set forth for your family vacation. Sit down with the whole family to share what expectations you have for the kids during your vacation. This should include how far they can travel from the resort or hotel, how far out in the ocean they can swim, and come when you call them.

Be sure to have clear concise rules and consequences that will follow if the kids don’t follow your family safety rules for summer vacation!

Install a Family Tracker App

Don’t forget the power of having a location tracker to know where your family members are at all times. When traveling to a new region of the world for a family summer vacation, you must have a way to track each family member. Install a family tracking app so that you can communicate and watch where the adults and older kids are at all times.

Be sure to have your older kids install this family location tracker and discuss the rules regarding keeping this tracker on so that the parents know where everyone is at all times.

Bring All the Supplies

Make sure you bring all of the supplies your family may need during your summer family vacation. This includes extra face masks, hand sanitizer, first aid kits, and other important supplies that the family will need. Don’t forget about the sunscreen and anything else that your family will need while you’re away from home for vacation.

Be sure to have extra supplies on hand in case any emergency arises or you have to wear a face mask unexpectedly or similar situations arise during your family vacation.


Having to buy supplies at your destination for family vacation may cost you way more than just packing the supplies and bringing extra. You must know how to keep a close eye on kids while they’re swimming to avoid drowning occurrences and maintain proper rules and consequences so that the older kids understand what you expect of them.

If you use our summer family vacation safety tips for your next family vacation we’re confident that everyone will have a great time and your family vacation will be one of the best memorable events of all time for your loved ones.

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