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Tips to Stay Safe During Flu and Virus Season

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With the flu and virus season arriving many families are concerned about how to stay safe amidst our current climate. We not only have to worry about the flu season and colds that we commonly get this time of year but now we’re facing a new virus that still is impacted many people around the world.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, nervous, and anxious about the world during the flu and virus season, especially if you’re more vulnerable to sickness. With that being said, we wanted to help you with some tips to stay safe this year so that your family and you can rest a little easier knowing that you’ve been proactive to maintain proper health during flu and virus season.

Use Family Tracking

With many virus tracers around, it’s no wonder many families are opting to use their own family tracking app. This will help you keep a close eye on where your family is venturing to so that you can be more mindful about family who may have ventured into an area that’s known as a ‘hot spot’ for viruses and sickies. While you can’t keep your adult family members from living their life, you can protect your family by knowing where your immediate and close extended family members have traveled to practice measures at home to keep distance, wash hands, and stay safe.


It’s still highly recommended that handwashing is the ultimate safe and easy way to stay safe during virus and flu season. This practice is simple enough to do except when you’re out and about running errands. Consider investing in a good hand sanitizer to maintain good sanitizing practices when you can’t otherwise wash with warm water and soap. When you return home, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and antibacterial soap before touching anything in your home. This will help reduce the germs you bring into your home on your hands after an outing.


Have a Family Meeting

If you’re immune-compromised or have a vulnerability to the current virus, colds, and flu symptoms out there, then try to have a family meeting. During this meeting, you can express your concerns and help plan how you’ll handle things if a family member gets sick. This will ensure everyone respects your concerns and you can work to stay safe and healthy with kids at home. Kids are famous for bringing home sickies from school, and while some kids are remote learning now, many are back to school engaging in traditional school sessions with other kids. This means you need to be vigilant in keeping yourself safe from the seasonal cold, flu, and virus spread from kids.

Check in With Long Distance Family Members

During the flu and virus season, your elderly family members may be at a higher risk. This is why you must learn to check in with any long-distance family members, including using a family tracking option to keep them safe. There are many ways you can keep a close eye on long-distance and elderly family members using our advanced technology available at affordable prices, and sometimes free for the average family. Make sure you develop a plan to help your long-distance family members stay safe from the sickies during flu and virus season by implementing a plan to help them track where hot spots are so that they can avoid those areas during this time.


When it comes to surviving the flu and virus season it’s all about developing a plan, being communicative with family members, and being proactive in what to expect. You should plan for the worst-case scenario while remaining hopeful and keeping a watchful eye on what’s happening in your local area during this trying time of year.

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